Dinant Releases More Than a Thousand Green Iguanas

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  • miércoles 12 diciembre 2018

    Dinant Releases More Than a Thousand Green Iguanas

    Zacate Grande, December 12th, 2018. Dinant as a constant supporter in the ecosystem conservation, carried out the releasement of more than a thousand green iguanas in the Island of Zacate Grande, Amapala, located in southern Honduras. This specie is being threatened by extinction, because of their habitat destruction and illegal trade.

    The iguanas that are reproduced in the Wildlife Conservation Center are cared for and fed for a year to be reintegrated into the ecosystem to populate the area. With this activity, a total of 18 thousand iguanas have been released during 22 years since the foundation of the project created by businessman Miguel Facusse, and 18 years of liberation.

    Olvin Andino, Dinant’s Conservation and Environment Director, commented "with this activity, Dinant contributes significantly in protecting our national fauna and environment.
    For 18 years we have carried out the liberation and we have given support to the community through the protection of the forest, of water producing areas and we have strengthened community development ".

    The work carried out by Dinant in the Wildlife Conservation Center also promotes environmental education and ecotourism, avoids soil erosion and provides protection to endangered species such as the white-tailed deer and the red macaw.