In the Agribusiness Division area, since 2016, we have had the international sustainability and carbon certification that provides an international, practical and transparent system for the certification of biomass and bioenergy.
This certification allows us to guarantee sustainable production of biomass and biofuels in all its stages, from planting to trading, having as main goals:
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Sustainable land use
- The protection of nature and sustainability itself.
The Comayagua Agribusiness Division of Exportadora del Atlántico is dedicated to the production, packaging and export of fresh vegetables to the markets of the United States and Canada.
Markets that are very demanding in compliance with all safety and food safety standards and requirements. Thus, since 2005 to date we have obtained the Certiclean certificate, which is a certification based on HACCP principles, a system that allows us to identify hazards in production and packaging processes, establishing control systems that focus on the prevention of risks in terms of food safety and security.
Global GAP
In the Agribusiness Division of Exportadora del Atlántico we are always at the forefront, applying the knowledge acquired and trying to offer the world's markets the best products in a safe and harmless manner when it comes to consumption.
As time has passed and new challenges have arisen, we decided to seek Global Gap certification, which is the international standard for agricultural production and is accepted as one of the best practices in safety, traceability, environment, integrated management of crops, of pests, of quality and analysis of hazards and critical points. This global standard, in force at Dinant since 2022, requires greater efficiency in production, improved performance and reduction of waste, ensuring sustainable production over time.
This certification guarantees that inputs, raw materials and processes involved in the transformation of products respect the precepts of the Jewish community, which are considered pure and suitable for consumption.
Under the request of clients, the certification began in 2015 with the Extractor plants in the Aguan and Lean areas, as well as the Refining and Fractionation plant of the Fats & Oils Plant, as well as the Lean Refinery.
The Safe Quality food (SQF) program is a food safety certification recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), a world-leading food safety and quality certification and management system.
Our food plants (Manufacturing Division) have effectively implemented, validated and monitored quality and safety controls in our processes and products, which gives a high degree of confidence to our consumers. Currently, the plants that have SQF Quality v.9 and SQF Safety v.9 certifications are:
- DIXIE Food Plant (since 2019, becoming the second SQF certified plant nationwide)
- Physical Chemical Modification Plant Oils and Fats (since 2021)
- SAHARA II Plant (since 2022)
ISO 9001:2015
ISO9001:2015 - SC-CER578490-2 promotes a culture of quality and continuous improvement in our processes and products, which allows the organization to quickly manage and control resolution of aspects to improve, having the satisfaction of our customers.
Through supplier control, compliance with manufacturing processes, as well as the strict selection of raw materials and packaging materials for products. Adopting this culture creates greater efficiency, cost savings and increases the learning curve of our collaborators. Since 2017, our ABUMAR Plant has been certified ISO9001:2015, an international mark of quality and a high degree of commitment to excellence.
ISO 14001:2015
CO-SA-CER359873-1 With the implementation of the Environmental Management System (EMS) since 2017, and through this international standard ISO14001, the company validates its commitment to environmental protection and sustainability.
Implemented from its Corporate Offices to the Manufacturing Factories, Distribution Centers, Oil Extraction and Refining Plants, Oil Palm Farms and Protected Crops in Honduras. With the contribution of this standard, the environmental aspects and impacts of Dinant's operations in Honduras were identified, determining local, corporate, legal and strategic requirements that allow the organization to achieve the expected results that it has established for its environmental management system, such as efficient consumption of natural resources, plans to reduce and control environmental pollution, as well as compliance with the applicable legal framework.
ISO 45001:2018
CO-OS-CER350970-1 Starting in 2020, the ISO 45001 standard is incorporated into Dinant's integrated sustainability management system as part of the Migration of the OHSAS 18001 Standard that would have been implemented previously and with which a reference framework was provided to manage risks and opportunities for Occupational Health and Safety (OSH).
Like the ISO14001:2015 standard, both standards are implemented from their Corporate Offices to Manufacturing Factories, Distribution Centers, Oil Extraction and Refining Plants, Oil Palm Farms and Protected Crops in Honduras. The objective and expected results of the OSH management system are to prevent work-related injuries and health deterioration to its employees and to provide safe and healthy workplaces for all. Consequently, it is of critical importance for the organization to identify and analyze hazards as well as minimize OSH risks, taking effective prevention and protection measures through continuous monitoring of indicators to control incidents and accidents at work.
BASC is an international business alliance that promotes secure trade in cooperation with governments and international organizations.
Part of Dinant´s mission is to create a culture of Comprehensive Safety through the implementation of management systems that apply BASC International Safety standards and regulations, which are recognized and endorsed procedures. Therefore, starting in 2020, we obtained the first BASC certification, applicable since then in the corporate offices, in the manufacturing, commercial and agribusiness divisions. This certification confirms the work in control and safety in all production processes, packaging, shipping and transportation of the cargo that is destined abroad and locally, guaranteeing that the cargo has no possibility of contamination based on risk management (contraband and drugs) at any stage until reaching the final destination.
OAS: Authorized Economic Operator
OAS Qualification is a recognition granted by the Customs Administration of Honduras (AAH) to Dinant as a company that demonstrates to be committed to security throughout its logistics chain.
Through the adoption of practices based on the improvement and compliance with requirements regarding security, which creates a series of benefits in its foreign trade operations, and recognition as a safe company for both its business associates and customs authorities.
For several years at Dinant we have been recognized by the Great Place To Work® Institute as one of the multinational companies considered among the Best Places to Work in Central America and the Caribbean.
In 2020 we received recognition for our operations in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic; and in 2019 we received it for our operations in Honduras. These recognitions commit us to continue making efforts to have the best work environments where trust prevails in the company, in our leaders and collaborators to continue making Dinant a Great Place to Work. Based on foregoing, plans are made to bring this practice to our headquarters in Guatemala and El Salvador.
Socially Responsible Company
For 15 consecutive years, after rigorous evaluation processes of our corporate social responsibility programs and sustainable operations, we received the recognition of Socially Responsible Company (ESR) granted by FUNDAHRSE.
A non-profit organization that promotes respect for ethical values, positive impacts on local communities and environmental practices of sustainable businesses. At Dinant we are committed to six of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that seek to eradicate poverty, promote prosperity and well-being for all, protect the environment and address climate change.