For Dinant, it is a priority to be able to quickly respond to any type of claim, complaint, query or concern that its collaborators, communities, suppliers or other interest groups may report on issues related to the company.
We have a complaints mechanism available for our collaborators, Mechanism, PQSR2 Mechanism, as well as for members of our neighboring communities and any other interest group MdR in order to strengthen communication, providing timely and sustainable solutions for all involved.
Complaints can be made through the following channels:
Through the company's social area, either by directly contacting the RSE Officers at each operating site, as well as during visits to the communities.
Mailboxes located in the facilities of the different operating sites and in the common areas of our highly influential communities such as: grocery stores, community centers, among others.
Email: 1. Collaborators: 2. Communities and other interest groups:
Additionally, through our code of ethics, we have established a guide based on the reason for being of our organization (Mission), on the qualities that inspire our daily behavior (Values), and on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, an internationally accepted reference for business operations.