Dinant welcomes president Juan Orlando to San Pedro Sula
13 March, 2015
President of Honduras Tours Dinant’s High Tech Snacks FactoryTegucigalpa, Honduras, March 13, 2015:
Miguel Mauricio Facusse, Executive Vice President of Corporación Dinant, last month accompanied President
Juan Orlando on a tour of Dinant’s high tech food processing plant in San Pedro Sula.
Welcoming President Orlando to the plant and distribution center on Friday, February 27, Mr. Facusse said, “Avisit by the President of Honduras is a truly great honor at any time. But we feel particularly fortunate thatPresident Juan Orlando’s visit coincides with a very proud moment in Dinant’s 55-year history, the realization ofmany significant achievements that are helping us to compete on the international stage and contribute to thedevelopment of our country.”
Founded in 1960 by Miguel Facusse Barjum, Corporación Dinant is a homegrown Honduran success story. Its
Yummies, Issima, Schilo’s, Mazola and Zixx brands are made with Honduran raw materials provided by hundreds
of local suppliers, to whom Dinant provides technical support and advice. President Orlando was visiting the
factory that makes Dinant’s popular Yummies snacks using locally grown corn, yucca, plantain, malanga, camote,
marañon and a very successful variety of potato developed by Dinant’s agronomists and now supplied in
abundance by local independent farmers.
Dinant is enormously proud of its Honduran roots and the contribution it makes to society, to the environment,
and to the national economy. But Dinant has global aspirations too. Its products are becoming market leaders
in Central America and the Caribbean, and will soon be exported to other parts of the world.
Mr. Facusse continued, “Since taking office just over a year ago, President Orlando has worked tirelessly to helpfamilies get the health, education, housing and jobs they deserve and the social security they sometimes need.And he is helping the proud nation of Honduras to restore its international reputation by promoting domesticinvestment and strengthening security. Dinant is proud to play an important role in supporting the objectives ofthe President and we will continue to work shoulder-to-shoulder with his Government for the benefit of allHondurans, for example, by participating in the Con Chamba Vivis Mejor program to create private sector jobs.”
About Dinant
Dinant employs 8,000 people, supports over 22,000 livelihoods, generates many millions of US dollars in exports
for the Honduran economy, and contributes significantly to all communities and countries in which it operates.
As part of its adherence to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, Dinant has removed all
firearms from the security men and women at its plantations, extraction mills and manufacturing plants. Dinant
rigorously benchmarks its operations against the principles of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
regarding the economic, environmental and social impact of its African Palm oil business. All 14 Dinant facilities
in Honduras have been awarded ISO 14000 and OHSAS 18001 status as a mark of their progress in environmental management and occupational health & safety. Dinant has invested significantly in building better relations with local communities through such initiatives as formal grievance mechanisms and the employment of local social workers.
Media contact: Roger Pineda, roger.pineda@dinant.com, +(504) 2239-8800